League Score - Calculated based on performance in paid league contests

Contests - Number of league contests played

Wins - Number of first place finishes in league contests

Placed - Number of times you have won a prize in a league contest

Average Score - Average fantasy points scored in league contests for that sport

High Score - Most fantasy points scored in league contests for that sport

Prizes - Total cash prizes won in league contests


Total Entries - 12
Finish Position + 1 = League Score

League Score is based on the difference between a user’s finishing position in a contest and the size of that contest. Each contest entry impacts a user's overall and sport specific League Score.

  • First place in the contest is awarded points equal to (Total Entries - 1) /2.
  • Each finishing position after first place is awarded one less point than the prior position.

Example: In a 10-man contest first place receives 4.5 points (10 - 1) /2, second receives 3.5 (4.5-1), third receives 2.5 (3.5-1), etc.

Additionally, a user will receive a 100 point bonus upon completion of their first paid contest and an additional 1 point for each additional paid contest entry through their 20th paid contest.